2023 Resourcefulness ReportPowering the Energy Transition

Widespread electrification is creating the need for more capacity, control and flexibility. In this report, we asked utilities and state commissioners: How can we create the best future for the U.S. electric grid?


To accommodate the electrification of transportation and buildings, along with the insatiable appetite of data centers and electric vehicles, grid capacity must expand dramatically in the near future—at a same time when the cost of renewables is dropping precipitously. To address the energy transition, utilities will need to anticipate demand, balancing load across intelligent infrastructure as energy customers consume (and in some cases generate) power. They'll need the insight to engage consumers with sophisticated demand response programs, potentially even drawing from customer-owned storage to help deliver power to their neighbors during peak demand times. And as EVs grow more prevalent, utilities will need to be able to predict when and where demand from charging points will spike, and then respond accordingly.

2023 Report Highlights

See the key takeaways from our 2023 report, highlighting utility executive and regulatory commissioner perspectives on building out the future U.S. electric grid.


Real-Time Data & Analytics

Data: It may well prove to be every organization’s most valuable asset. Harnessing its full value will transform the way utilities deliver energy, water and city services.

2022 Report

While data alone cannot solve problems, it does provide the necessary basis for insights that can improve grid resiliency, leak detection and consumer engagement. Teamed with powerful predictive analytics, data can open the door to new and more effective ways to manage EVs and microgrids, discover new efficiencies and help leaders prepare for what’s next.

2022 Report Highlights

To address both today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, utilities and city service providers need to make the most of actionable, real-time data and analytics. Learn what utilities and consumers think about what’s possible with the intelligence provided by data-driven insights in Itron’s 2022 report.

2022 Research

While data alone cannot solve problems, it does provide the necessary basis for insights that can improve grid resiliency, leak detection and consumer engagement. Teamed with powerful predictive analytics, data can open the door to new and more effective ways to manage EVs and microgrids, discover new efficiencies, and help leaders prepare for what’s next. Check out the data behind our 2022 report.

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